How to start freelancing in USA.

Freelancing is the process of doing some task for a person as a part-time employee from your own location. If you are a skilled persona and willing to make money utilizing your skill then freelancing can be the best opportunity for you. You don’t need to be experienced and perfect to start freelancing. If you have any skill on your hand then you can easily start freelancing and make money from it. The geographical location of your country or your address doesn’t matter anything if you have good internet and skill in your hand. There are many people in Nepal who are earings 2-3 lakhs from freelancing every month. Now it’s your time to get started.

Things and Resources needed to  Start Freelancing

If you are interested in something no one can stop you from doing that thing. So same thing applies to freelancing. If you are passionate and serious about freelancing then nothing can stop you from being a successful freelancer. Besides interest, you need to have a skill related to any topic or subject whether it is coding, video editing, photo editing, animating, or content writing. If you have some kind of skillset on your hand then you are now qualified for being a good freelancer. Including a skillset, you need to have a good internet connection since freelancing is done online. So, be sure to have a good internet connection before starting freelancing. Moreover, you need to have a good device to work as a freelancer. Laptop or Pc is the most you cannot start doing freelancing from the phone. The specs of a laptop or pc depend on the work you do as a freelancer.

Benefits of working as a freelancer

Freelancing can be a life-changing job if you have enough skills to make money.  but without any skill, you can earn a single penny from freelancing. So if you work as a freelancer you can get many advantages and befits rather than as a full-time worker in an organization or a company. Most of the people start doing freelancing after they are fired from their job which I think is a very bad decision. If you have some skill you should try doing freelancing first and if you are not able to get a job then you should work for an organization. There are some of the major advantages of working as a freelancer :

  • Freedom to choose the job type

  • Location doesn’t matter. You can work from anywhere if you have an internet connection.

  • Time = Money . If you give more time you can earn unlimited income.

  • Chance you explore the international market and learn about the latest technology.

  • Big platform to showcase your skills and experience.

These are the major benefits of working as a freelancer. Since everything has its positive and negative side. So, freelancing also has both positive and negative sides but there are many positive sides than negative sides if you work as a freelancer. In the case of Nepal, freelancing can be a life-changing job because you are paid a dollar working from home. So, you must try doing freelancing if you have time and skill so that you can earn and enjoy your life.

Things that you should consider before working as a freelancer from Nepal.

Many people start freelancing after knowing that someone is earning 10lakhs + per month doing freelancing which I think is a great mistake. If you are working after knowing that someone is earning then you are not going to become a successful freelancer. The first thing you have to do to become a successful freelancer is learning some skillsets and then explore the freelancing sites. Skill is the most powerful weapon to become a successful freelancer. You can learn skills related to any field. Here are the things that you should know before starting freelancing from Nepal.

  • You must have some skillset.

  • Struggle daily it takes time to become a successful freelancer.

  • Good internet connecting is the most be sure to have a good internet connection.

  • Try different freelancing sites if you are not able to get a job on a single site.

  • Take feedbacks and knowledge from freelancers who are working from Nepal.

  • Don’t panic keep on working and increase your skillet daily. Don’t give up.

If you consider the following things that it is sure that you will become a successful freelancer one day. Good luck! Keep on working.

How Much You can earn doing freelancing from Nepal.

The earning potential of freelancing is very high if you have good skills. You can earn unlimited if you have enough time and skill. The average earning of a freelancer from Nepal is around 1-1.5 Lakhs per month. This number may vary depending on your skill. Some people even earn 10laks per month doing freelancing. So the earnings depend upon the skill you have. If you have high-paid skills then you can be one of them earning 10laks + per month doing freelancing.

The process to start freelancing from Nepal.

1. Learn some skill :

If you are thinking of making money without having any skill then you are wrong. No one will pay you a single penny if you have no skill on your hand so be you must learn some short of skill before entering in freelancing world.  The skill can be related to any topic whether it is photo editing, video editing, graphics design, coding, animating, or any other. So skill is the most to work as a freelancer. Some of the most demanded freelancing skills in Nepal are listed below .So, that you can learn and make money as a freelancer :

  • Blockchain and crypto technology

  • Web App Development.

  • WordPress Design & Development.

  • Project Management.

  • Cloud Computing.

  • Data Science & Analysis.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

  • Video production

  • Graphics Design

  • Cyber Security

If you learn any of the skills above that it is sure that you are going to earn more than 2Lakhs+ per month doing freelancing.

2. Build a portfolio :

Building a  good portfolio is a must to get hired as a freelance. You should build your portfolio depending on your skill. You can showcase your projects and skill and the work that you have done with the skill which you have. If you don’t have a good portfolio then no one gona hire you. So make sure to build a good portfolio so that you can get hired easily. If you have a skill but haven’t done any project before then there is less chance that you will be hired for the work. So, a good portfolio is the most to become a good freelancer.

3.Choose a perfect freelancing platform :

There are more than 1000 freelancing platforms out in the market but all of them are not legit and suitable for the skill you have. So I have listed some of the most popular and legit freelancing sites in Nepal where you can log in now and start working from today.

1. Upwork :

Upwork is an American-based freelancing platform where you can find out jobs related to any topic. It is among the oldest freelancing site where you can log in and start working for free. It was established in 2015. Since then it is one of the most popular freelancing sites with millions of clients and freelancer.


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