Hinduism vs Buddhism | Similarities and Differences


Today ,both Hinduism and Buddhism are one of the popular religion of the world.Since ,they are different religion so, they have many differences but some beliefs and practices of these religion are similar as well . Let’s take a look at some of the similarities and differences between these religion.

1. Both of the religion was originated in India Subcontinent
2. Both of them belief in multiple gods and diets.
3. Both of them belief that desires are the root cause of Sufferings
4. Both believe in several heavens and hell.
5. Both of them belief women and man are equal and there is no gender discrimination.

1. Hinduism was was originated 25000 yrs ago,circa 563 B.C.E (Before Common Era) while Buddhism was originated in Circa 3000 B.C.E
2. Buddhism is followed by 600 Million while Hinduism is followed by 1 Billion people .
3. Buddhist worship in Buddhist Monasteries,Shrine while Hindu worship in Temple .
4. Buddha is founder of Buddhism while there is no credit give to any particular person as a founder of Hinduism.
5. The main goal of Buddhism is to attain enlightenment be free from cycle of rebirth,finally attain Nirvana whereas the main goal of Hinduism is to break the cycle of rebirth,death and reincarnation attain Salvation.



Laughing Buddha and Gautam Buddha (Similarities and Difference )

Gautam Buddha is the “light of Asia ” Also he was a teacher, Philosopher, Mediator and spiritual leader.He had many disciples around the world.Among them, Hotei from the japan is also one,who is known as laughing Buddha . Hotei started laughing out loud and making other people laugh who were stressed and mentally weak, when he got enlightenment . Gautam Buddha wants peace and silent environment but Hoatei wants happiness and joy everywhere . Hotei used to go on excursion in his village and he used to making kids happy by giving toys,sweets ETC. Wherever he goes his aim is only to make people laugh . But Gautam Buddha used to give advice and thought to other .
Hotei always makes people laugh, so he came to be known by the name of laughing Buddha in japan and china . Gautam Buddha’s all disciples helped laughing Buddha to spread happiness allover the worlds so,people started figuring their homes by both the statue of Gautam Buddha and Laughing Buddha.

Applied Buddhism and It’s Scope 

The possible application of Buddhist theories and practice in the definition denotes teachings of Buddha, taught to people from all walks of life depending upon their levels of understanding and needs . Such teaching vary from preliminary which can be easily grasped by lay people and the higher level philosophical discourses and practices that need higher level learning abilities and rigorous practices to discern . Keeping in mind, all the teachings of Buddha could not be easily grasped or practices by everyone,so the term “possible application” here denotes the practical knowledge that Buddha bestowed to enable us to apply in our daily life.

The human problem denotes all sort of adverse situation in politics, society ,economics,environment ,ethics,discrimination devaluation of human values etc . The modern way of life in developed countries is materialistic, mechanical ,time slave , individualistic, etc . The result is a life of loneliness,stressful,seem to be happy but peace-less . The modern way of life in developing and under developed countries is full of shortage, distances, seen and unseen various types of conflict, unemployment and it is stepping towards materialistic, mechanical, time salve ,individualistic etc . The result of frustration ,depression and peace-less.In all such cases applied Buddhism can be only one to end frustration ,depression and peace-less establish satisfaction,cheerfulness and peace.

Some Scope of Applied Buddhism are listed below:

1. That will study the historical development of and Buddhist movements in different name and contemporary world .
2. That will study the theories and practices that Buddha and his disciples had applied to address issues of individual to social ,psychological,economic,political,environmental etc.
3. That will study the Buddhist theories and practices aimed and succeeded in addressing issues of individual to social, psychological ,economics,political,environmental etc. in modern old.
4.That will study the Buddhist approaches to deal with upcoming issues related to social, economic, psychological,political,environment etc.
5.That will study the Buddhist theories and practices without renouncing worldly life and without being a buddhist also.
Objective of applied Buddhism :
1. to update the contemporary Buddhist moment,
2. to enable people to apply Buddhism in their daily life.
3. to enable people to apply Buddhism in upcoming various issues of modern times.
4. to produce human resource in applied Buddhism
5. to produce research scholars on applied Buddhism
6. to promote Applied Buddhism also as a branch of Buddhist Studies.



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