How to get more view on tiktok video free 2023

Tiktok is a online video sharing app which is available in both App Store and play store for free . It is owned by a Chinese company name byte dance . It is a social media or can also be called as video sharing platform where own can share short videos not more than 1 second and not less than 15second on various genres including funny,educational,informative,motivational . After the release of stable version of tiktok it’s users are increasing on  skyrocketing speed . It is estimated that total download has crossed 2.6 billion in 2023 . With more and more increases download it has become very popular that each and every individual creates Tiktok videos nowadays but all the creators cannot get enough likes and views on their videos . It is not possible to get more views within a night but if you follow this article than I guaranty you will surely and certainly get more views on long run . Here are the list of some proven ways that can answer your question How to get more view on tiktok video free 2023  . Read the complete article to know How to get more view on tiktok video free  2023 . Let us explore How to get more views on TikTok video free  2023 :

1. Create your own unique content :

This is the most practiced and proven way that can easily help you to get more views on your videos . Not only tiktok all the other video sharing platform like YouTube , Facebook etch promote those videos which are unique from other content . The algorithms of such video sharing apps are made in such a way that it will give more priority to those videos which are unique from other . If you use your own voice on your video rather than lapsing than it would be very powerful way to get more views on your videos . On other hand you can also create your own creative and educational videos which will help you to get more views .

2. Adding hashtags on your videos :

The text that starts with # sign is known as hashtags . Using proper hashtags on your videos can be very fruitful to get more views depending on your videos . Hashtags helps you to explore and know about lots of creators which you haven’t discovered before . But find a right hashtags on your video is a-bit difficult task . The hashtag that you are using on your videos most match to the content on your video . If the hashtags and content on your video is different that this will not boost your video neither you will get more views . Before you create any videos you should explore the trending videos and the hashtags they have used and depending on your videos you should use proper hashtags . Here is some method to select proper hashtags :

1. Don’t use same hashtags again and again.

2. Hashtags on your video should match with the content on your video .

3. Explore trending videos and their hashtags and use such hashtags rather than using random hashtags.

3. Increase engagement on your videos like (like ,comments ,average view duration,share ) :

If your videos are good in content and have great average view ,more likes ,comments than the algorithm of tiktok will understand that your video is good and it will promote your videos . These factors play great role to get more views not only on tiktok but also in YouTube . So before creating videos think the topic which will increase the average view duration . If you create suspense videos than that can be a great and fruitful way to get more views on your videos . You can make Q & A type videos to increase comments in your videos this will automatically help you to get viral on tiktok . Informative video can be a great ways to get more share . So before creating any content think about these parameters and how to increase them .Hare are some ways to increase these matrixes :

1. Make Q & A type videos to increase comments .

2. Create parts videos to get more likes (for eg part 1,part 2) .

3. Make informative videos to increase share .

4. Try creating suspense,story,curiosity type videos to increase average view duration.

5. Post video on daily basics.

4. Share your videos on social platform :

If you have got more share in your videos you will have more average view duration,more likes ,comments on your videos this mean your video is likely to be promoted by tiktok . You can share your videos on various social platform like YouTube , Facebook ,Instagram,LinkedIn and Twitter . This will help you to boost your videos . You can rather post the videos on your story rather than sharing links with your friends this will help you to get more engagement . Sharing can also help you to build you strong fan base . Those people who don’t know about your tiktok account will surely visit once if you share the videos . So be sure to share content on regular basis to increase views .

5. Collaboration and duet with trending content creators :

Team work is great way to get more views . A lot of creators get millions of followers within a week is is because of collaboration . If you collaborate with the trending creators you will surely get more views on your video . On other hand duet can be a alternative if you can’t collaborate with the the trending creator . Your duet video can get viral if you duet with trending creators . You can duet with all most Any creator of tiktok so try this once if you want to get more views . You can work in group and mention their name on your videos which can be helpful to get more views .

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