Photoshop is world most popular photo editing app developed by adobe Inc . Is is a paid software available for both windows and mac . It was released in 1990 since than adobe publish updated version each and every years with for features and facility . Photoshop is used in each and every industry who are concerned with graphics design . Photoshop provides each and every facility and features that can easily create any kind of desired design and edit your photo . Since photoshop is a paid software and you need to pay money for adobe to use it . But if you are cleaver enough than you can use photoshop for free . The free version of photoshop is a crack version so, there might be some features missing as well . Here in this article I will provide some legit way to get to get photoshop 2021 for free on both mac and windows . So you don’t need to worry if you are mac user as well . Read the article completely to learn How to get photoshop 2021 for free .
Here are the steps that you need to follow to download photoshop 2021 for free :
1 . Click on the link :
This is the website which provides many paid app for both pc and mac for free . This website provide not only photoshop but also many other paid software for free .
2. Search  photoshop on side bar of the website .

3. After you search Photoshop you will get latest version of photoshop on this website .
4. Click on the photoshop icon depending on OS you are using .
5 .After you click the icon you will be re directed to next page then click on download now .
6. After you click download now the download process will start after some second . Wait until the download process is completed to the end . Since the size is around 2.5 gb So, The download process depend on your internet speed .
7. The download file is a zip file to you have to extract it . If you have 7 zip installed on you pc than you can easily extract if form 7 zip . Other wise you can download 7 zip for free from website :
8 . After the extraction process is compete now You can open the extracted folder .
9 . Now turn off your internet and antivirus and double click on setup file to install the photoshop .
10. After the photoshop is installed you can connect internet and turn on antivirus .
Finally If you followed all the steps than photoshop must have been installed on your computer . But if you missed any of the steps or made any steps during the entire process than you might face problem . If you faced any problem than you can comment bellow .