How to select a good laptop for programming .

There are many laptops out there in market . Every Year many new models and varieties of laptop are built and released . Choosing out best laptop for you can be a tedious process . The need of laptop depends on your work .You can write code on any laptop but you should choose best for you so that you can save you valuable time . Here in this article I will guide you how select best laptop for programming . The need of laptop depends on which programming laptop you write . With the assumption that you are beginner to programming and learning web or android / ios development . I will be presenting the major spec of the laptop that you should consider before buying it .Here are the Six Things that should be considered before buying programming laptop .

Processor :

Processor plays great role in the performance of your laptop . Having a latest processor allow you to write your code faster and saves your time . So before buying any programming laptop be sure to select latest processor . You can go with i5 or i7 depending on your budget or if you want ryzen processor go with ryzen 5 or ryzen 7 . Since processor of most of the laptops can’t be upgraded once it is bought so make a right decision while selecting processor of laptop .

Memory (RAM) :

RAM plays a great role in every programming laptop . Which compilation of any program it consume RAM . So don’t buy laptop bellow 4gb of RAM if you want to use your laptop for programming . 4gb can be sufficient if you are just getting started but once you become familiar and start development process 4gb might not be able to handle your task . So I recommend you to go with 8gb of ram if you are familiar with programming and working for development process . But if you are out of budget you can buy laptop with 4gb of RAM and upgrade it later .

Display :

Once you start learning programming you have to spend time seeing and writing code . So display is another major factor that should be considered before buying programming laptop . Laptop bellow 15.6 inches are small and you can not see your code property and performing multitask will be difficult . On other hand laptop above 15.6 are bigger in size so it is quite difficult to take laptop while you are travelling of place to place . so make sure to buy with screen size of 15.6 inch . 1368×768 laptop are not suitable since text display is not good enough and you fill difficult while reading or writing code . And 4k display is over kill for a programming laptop and it is quite expensive . So you can go with full hd 1920×1080 display .

Graphics Card :

Graphics card don’t play a significant role if your main purpose of laptop is programming . You don’t need a separate graphics card you can go with the laptop with the integrated graphics card . But if you are interested in game development and machine learning , deep learning dedicated graphics card is the most . For general programming purpose you can go with laptop which have integrated graphics card and save money . Better use that money to buy SSD .

Storgae :

If you are buying laptop for programming purpose SDD should be your top priority among all other components . Because ssd will boost up your OS load time , code compilation time , project load time and data retrieve rate .256 GB of ssd should be your base line if you are buying laptop for programming purposes . But i recommend buying laptop with 512GB of ssd so that you can increase your work flow and save your time as well . For the storage purpose you can buy 500gb of HDD initially later you can upgrade depending on you demand and use .

Up gradable :

While choosing any laptop you must choose the laptop which provides up-gradable option . If you buy the laptop which can be upgraded then you may regrade later so make sure the laptop you buy is up-gradable . Since most of the laptop on the market provide up-gradable facility but you should once research your self before buying that laptop . You can upgrade RAM ,Storage including HDD and SSD , Graphics Card in most of the laptop out there in market . Some laptop even provide facility to upgrade processor which is a bit rear .

Keyboard :

Since a programmer task need keyboard at each and every moment so in-order to increase your productivity . You should choose a laptop with better keyboard . Since most of the laptop consist 104 Keys but some of them may have less keys as well . So before you buy a laptop make sure that you laptop consist 104 Keys . On other hand you also need a keyboard back light to work at night . So buy a laptop with a simple back light most of the laptop consists white back light  .


  1. What is best for programming laptop or desktop ?

The answer of the question depend on upon you . If you are a student , I recommend buying a laptop for programming because you can easily take it from one place to another . But if  live on a permanent address you can go with pc . Now a days laptop are also much more powerful so you can perform heavy task as like custom PC .



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