How to get good bands in IELTS .

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is difficult to secure a good band in IELTS but there are some techniques that help every student to achieve good bands in IELTS. There are many candidates who thanked us for giving this technique. Here are some tips and ideas :

1)Don’t panic :

This is the main reason behind the low score. Students perform well while giving mock test examination and practicing at home but their confidence level becomes down when they give a real IELTS exam. Examiners will behave in a friendly manner so no need to be worry. They won’t get frustrated by asking for help.

2)Give Practical answers :

You should give practical answers which are related to your life. Likewise in the speaking section, you should give answers practically. The examiner tries to pressure you in the speaking section by asking many reasons for their questions so, you must answer the questions without any stress. You should not worry about grammatical mistakes in speaking sections but be careful in coherence and cohesion.  Similarly, in the writing section, both coherence and cohesion, and grammatical accuracy matter.

3)Think very carefully :

It would be best if you think about the questions while giving answers. In the reading section, you should have more knowledge of synonyms which is the key factor. You could easily catch all the answers. Also, you should be prepared before writing answers to both task 1 and task 2. You should make a key point. Correspondingly in listening, you must underline the key point so that you might catch and write answers. And in speaking, if you ask a question repeatedly then it might not help you to achieve good band.

4)Manage your time :

This is the most important factor for every student who is giving IELTS examination. You should manage time for 2 minutes cue card in the speaking section. Many students feel difficult to manage their time, especially in reading and writing so, you should be careful about time. These factors are beneficial for every student.  You will definitely secure a high score in your IELTS examination. Good luck!!

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